
Publications & Reports

30 Apr 2017

Big Data and the Well-Being of Women and Girls: Applications on the Social Scientific Frontier

Apr. 2017
05 Apr 2017

Exploring the high-resolution mapping of gender-disaggregated development indicators

Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Volume 14, issue 129
01 Feb 2017

Mapping poverty using mobile phone and satellite data

Journal of the Royal Society Interface, February 2017 Volume 14, issue 127
27 Jan 2017

Seasonal Population Movements and the Surveillance and Control of Infectious Diseases

Trends in Parasitology, Nov. 2016
03 Aug 2016

Mapping internal connectivity through human migration in malaria endemic countries

Nature Scientific Data, 3 August 2016
20 May 2016

Census-Derived Migration Data as a Tool for Informing Malaria Elimination Policy

Malaria Journal, May 2016
16 Apr 2016

Mapping Global Environmental Suitability for Zika Virus

eLife, Apr 2016
10 Apr 2016

Introduction of Rubella-Containing-Vaccine to Madagascar: Implications for Roll-Out and Local Elimination

Royal Society Interface, Apr 2016
24 Feb 2016

Rapid and Near Real-Time Assessments of Population Displacement Using Mobile Phone Data Following Disasters: The 2015 Nepal Earthquake

PloS Currents Disasters, Feb 2016
18 Feb 2016

Unveiling Hidden Migration and Mobility Patterns in Climate Stressed Regions: A Longitudinal Study of Six Million Anonymous Mobile Phone Users in Bangladesh

Global Environment Change, May 2016
16 Feb 2016

Spatially disaggregated population estimates in the absence of national population and housing census data

PNAS, April 3, 2018 | vol. 115 | no. 14 |
16 Feb 2016

Spatiotemporal Patterns of Population in Mainland China, 1990 to 2010

Scientific Data, Feb 2016