Our core data solutions

We provide flexible solutions tailored to your needs to support your development and humanitarian interventions.

We work with de-identified mobile operator data, satellite and household survey data to support your needs for data-driven insights.

With a strong grounding in the development and humanitarian sectors and a decade of experience in working with private data providers, we provide solutions backed by in-house research published in top academic journals.

IMG 2519

Our Services


If we want to achieve the SDGs, we need to invest in data systems, and we are confident that our successful partnership with Vodafone Ghana and Flowminder is the way forward to leverage data for good.

— Omar Seidu, Head of Demographic Statistics and SDGs Coordinator at Ghana Statistical Service

Case Study

Integrating mobile operator data into official statistics in Ghana

Find out more

Aerial view Accra Ghana
LAI 2169

Case Study

Modelling optimal site placement for COVID-19 vaccination in Nigeria

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The Flowminder results helped in many ways. In fact, it was a game changer for optimising our vaccination team effort and improving vaccination coverage, rapidly

— Dr Hadley Ikwe, Senior Immunisation Specialist US Centre for Disease Control & Prevention (Nigeria)

Latest news, publications & reports

23 Jul 2024

Rapport de préparation sur la mobilité en Haïti pour la période juillet 2023 - juin 2024

23 Jul 2024

Preparedness report: Mobility Situation in Haiti for the period July 2023 - June 2024

Ouverture de notre plateforme de données sur la mobilité en Haïti pour améliorer la préparation à la saison cyclonique 2024.

19 Jul 2024

Opening up our Haiti Mobility Data Platform to enhance preparedness and crisis response for the 2024 hurricane season

19 Jul 2024

Impact de la crise en Haïti sur la mobilité: Flux de population depuis la zone métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince (01 janvier 2020 - 30 avril 2024)

03 May 2024