Today, more than half of Haiti’s population calls cities and towns their home, in a major shift from the 1950s when around 90 percent of Haitians lived in the countryside.

To better understand the factors that constrain the sustainable and inclusive development of Haitian cities, World Bank in collaboration with Flowminder staff released the Haiti Urbanization Review which organises the challenges along three dimensions of urban development: planning, connecting, and financing.

Chapter 3 "Shaping Labor Markets: Connectivity, Jobs and Risks", co-authored by Flowminder staff, focuses on connectivity within Haitian cities. Poor connectivity hampers integrated labour markets and access to economic opportunities. In the absence of census and up-to-date travel surveys, this chapter is the first to use mobile phone call records to understand commuting patterns and the degree of spatial mismatch between jobs and homes in Haiti.

On the same topic, you can also read our paper A trip to work: Estimation of origin and destination of commuting patterns in the main metropolitan regions of Haiti using CDR.

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