Linus Bengtsson of Flowminder participated as a member of the UN OCHA Independent Advisory Board to oversee the creation of the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) programme. HDX provides an open platform for the sharing of humanitarian datasets and indicators, including datasets provided by Flowminder. The goal of the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) project is to make humanitarian data easily available and useful for decision-making. The project aims to bring together multi-country, multi-sourced, curated data for analytical use through one platform. Linus Bengtsson of Flowminder participated as a member of the UN OCHA Independent Advisory Board to oversee the creation of HDX, and Flowminder continues to maintain strong relations with our friends at HDX.

Over time, by creating a foundational data infrastructure for the humanitarian community, HDX will begin to address the quality, comparability and timeliness of humanitarian data. Decision makers will be able to make inferences based on historical data and the current data available, improving the likelihood of a successful response. In a hundred years, the data that we store will still exist and its analysis will continue to inform future generations of humanitarians. We believe the project presents an excellent opportunity to change the way humanitarians share, access and use data, with positive implications for people who need assistance.

Original Article: HDX Project Document

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